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Crufts 2008 Critique

Thanks to my two kind and efficient lady stewards, judging this, one of my very favourite breeds, was sheer enjoyment. The ring was large enough so that hounds could be moved properly and the very considerate handlers and sweet personalities of the breed made for a lovely experience.

Unfortunately, as I look back on the day's judging I am quite distressed to find do many hounds in terribly soft condition among the young adult and mature hounds. In the breed standard one of the characteristics is noted that the 'general bearing is one of gentle dignity', but the very same section mentions first that 'the build suggests the unique combination of speed, power and endurance necessary to pull down a stag.' This breed was developed as a hunting dog first and foremost and must be sound, powerful and muscular to do a day's work.

While the side action of most of the hounds was free, light and long-striding, it must also be 'true' and far too many were very unsound coming and going away. The front action coming towards you, where narrow fronts, upright upper arms and the combination of lack of muscle tone and lack of the forechest, meant that I saw every kind of faulty front action. But even worse was the hind action of far too many hounds who had very weak and collapsing hocks, often even moving in a very cow-hocked action. I found that these hounds were also very cow-hocked standing, hindquarters under themselves, and it was not possible even to correct this stance.

Having judged this wonderful breed over many years, I had seen this characteristic before, but never so many hounds. Please, breeders, keep this fault in mind with future breeding. Feet were also of great concern to me, too many nearly flat and very long and thin. Feet can be ruined, but on the whole you must breed for good feet, with enough arch and depth of pad to cushion while running.

Are these hounds given the opportunity to actively gallop and run? Just because the breed has a very gentle temperament and are so easy to live with doesn't mean they should be allowed to become couch potatoes. Fortunately, I also found many wonderfully conditioned hounds, and I have found, as an owner of similar breeds (Greyhounds and Irish Wolfhounds) that the fit and properly muscled hound seems to have a slightly different outlook on life, and a sparkle in their eyes as well.

For Best of Breed, I had two lovely animals; the young male, just 18 months old, Mr and Mrs Rhodes' Gentom Peacemaker, and the mature bitch, coming up four years, Ch Greyflax A Kind of Magic. Maturity tipped the scales and the bitch won best of breed, but I must say that I was so very taken by this young dog, so nicely handled by the Rhodes' young grandson.

Being somewhat of a movement freak, I had tried throughout the judging to satisfy my triple requirements for type, movement and breed character. Certainly both my CC winners exhibited the freedom of movement, the 'easy, active and true' long striding action that for me is a hallmark of the breed, and quite unlike that of the breed's larger cousin, the Irish Wolfhound. It is an elastic movement and you feel as if the hound could keep going practically forever.

VD (1) 1: Codd's Gazeawhile Lyric. Seven year old dog with a lovely outline; and one that I liked very much for his type. Nice masculine head, small nicely folded ears, good eye with gentle expression. Proper strong neck well set into excellent topline and croup. Proper bone and good feet. Moved very easily and well.

SpPD (5, 3 abs) 1 and BP Hawkins Kwaricott Archimago. Dark brindle dog of 13 months, of excellent type and well presented in good crisp coat. Nice head, well folded ears, long neck and forehand rather forward set and rather upright over the upper arm. Good feet. Excellent topline and croup, well defined underline. Well angulated rear quarters. Movement free and elastic, but needs to strengthen somewhat in rear action, as one would expect in a youngster. Very promising. 2: Meakes and Morris's Claonaiglen Gelly at Cadmore. A month younger, this lighter grey dog scores on his very free long striding aside action. Nice head and expression. His coat is very soft over the neck and forehand, but of better texture over his rear quarters. Nice head, well angulated shoulder and upper arm, feet long. Rather flat over the back and tends to a steep croup, overall at rather an in-between stage, a teenager.

SPJD (9) 1 and CC Rhodes's Gentom Peacemaker. What a beautiful young dog, only just 18 months old, presented in excellent harsh coat. He has a wonderful outline and is already very well balanced overall, and is also a wonderful free and active mover with the kind of verve and elasticity that for me indicates the well muscled hound that could do its job when hunting. Lovely head, high set well folded ears, lovely strong well muscled neck, set smoothly into very good shoulders. Somewhat narrow in front as yet, excellent topline and croup, very well defined underline. Lovely wide hindquarters and went strongly and truly. Excellent bone and feet. He does need to tighten in front action coming towards you, but I feel that careful exercise will correct this. Overall a young hound of wonderful quality and promise. 2: Pink's Romanie Rye at Greyhawks. Beautifully presented 16 month old grey dog, rather more short coupled than winner. Nice masculine head, flat folded ears, nice neck which could be longer, reasonable shoulder layback, but upright in upper arm. Excellent bone and feet. Excellent firm topline, croup and strong well muscled hindquarters. Tail could be longer, but is well carried. Lovely harsh coat. 3: Peach's Kilbourne Firechief. A very handsome 15 month old dog, a powerful young dog in strong muscular condition. Masculine head, excellent small well folded ears, could be longer in neck, reasonable shoulder but rather upright and over muscled over the upper arm. Good bone, but would like to see better knuckled feet, which are rather long. Capacious chest, well muscled topline, strong hindquarters. Powerful mover. A very promising dog, but I had to hold his long feet against him for today.

PGD (18, 2 abs) 1: Peach's Readwald Thor to Kilbourne. Very well presented dark brindle of 18 months, although in a smaller mould. Very similar in type and outline to the winner of the last class and I note that they are both by the RCC winner from the open class. Beautiful head and expression, well folded ears. Good strong neck, well set into nicely angulated forehand. Proper bone for his size, but would like to see feet better knuckled up, they are rather long and thin. Excellent topline, croup and well angulated hindquarters. Well defined underline. Lovely fluid mover. 2: Barter's Brutus Fraxinus of Ehlaradawn, powerfully made young dog of very nice type and presented in wonderful muscular condition. Nice masculine head, well folded ears. Good strong neck, rather forward set forehand, excellent bone for his size. Excellent topline, somewhat steep over the croup. Nice wide hindquarters. Moved powerfully and well, especially in rear. 3: Helps's Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Another powerfully made young dog, presented ion excellent muscle and condition. Very nice head, well folded, rather larger ears, well muscled neck, good front of proper width, excellent bone and feet. Firm topline, very good wide hindquarters. As he is young, I feel he will drop in underline, which will balance him more overall. Free and active mover.

LD (7) 1: Owen and Brodie's Wolfscastle Wood Melick. Very handsome grey dog presented in excellent condition. Very nice head, well folded small and high set ears. Lovely strong neck of proper length, well set into very good shoulders. Proper bone for size. Feet tending to a harefoot. Excellent firm topline. Croup rather steep. Long striding movement. 2: Bond's Regalflight Sligo. Very attractive dog, masculine while still elegant. Beautiful head and expression, good strong neck well set into good shoulders, but has upright upper arm and forward set elbows. Excellent bone and feet. Lovely sweep over the topline, but croup rather steep. Nicely angulated hindquarters. A very stylish mover. 3: Pink's Greyhawks Romanie Rom. Well presented shapely dog with a very nice outline. Nice head but more furnishings would improve expression, flat folded ears. Nicely angulated front, proper bone for size. Good strong topline, wide hindquarters. Free mover.

OD (12, 3 abs) 1 & RCC: Peach and Phillips's Wild West von der Oelmuhle. Beautiful three year old dog of wonderful old fashioned type, very well presented in excellent coat and condition. Beautiful head of lovely proportions, lovely highest set small well folded ears. Lovely long and strong neck, smoothly set into excellent shoulders. Lovely flow over the topline, croup and hindquarters. Holds topline so well on the move and he was so free and light as seen in side action. I was so pleased to see as I was preparing my critique that he was the sire of two winners in the dog classes including the young CC winner. 2: Bond's Ch Regalflight Storm Bird. Beautiful mature dog of lovely type and outline, very well presented. Lovely head with the kindest of expressions, small highest well folded ears, good neck and forequarters, proper bone and good feet, excellent topline and nicely angulated hindquarters. Moved freely and easily. 3: Bain's Hillmorton Dazzle. Very nicely made dog who scored on his free long striding movement. Nice head, excellent strong neck, very good shoulder layback, proper bone for size. Firm well muscled topline, nicely angulated hindquarters.

VB (1) 1 & RCC Florent's Int Ch R'hafia of Muma. Very dignified and very beautiful still at 8 years of age. I have judged this lovely lady before at a French Club show, where she won best of breed, but it was over three years ago and I am glad to say that she has not changed much, simply become a little older, and with it perhaps a bit more slow in movement. Lovely head with beautiful highest set small ears, good strong neck, well set into the very well angulated forehand. Proper bone for her size, very good feet. Beautiful flow over the topline, croup and hindquarters. Still a lovely smooth and true mover.

SpPB (2, 1) 1: Parsons and McKinnon's Claonaiglen Mallie. Pretty baby of 12 months, very feminine in her outline. Sweet head, well folded small ears, good neck. At present rather upright over the forehand, especially over the upper arm. Reasonable bone and feet. Very good topline and croup to nicely angled hindquarters. Moved very freely, but with a rather high front action. Promising baby.

SpJB (7, 2 abs) 1: O'Brien and Quinn's Kilbourne Firecrest. 14 month old bitch with a lovely outline. Lovely head, very nice expression. Good neck and front, proper bone and reasonable feet. Excellent topline, croup and nicely angulated hindquarters. Very free and easy side action. 2: Owen & Brodie's Marandike Ebony's Choice to Wolfscastle. Another very nice young bitch, well balanced overall. Nice feminine head, and a calm sensible expression, good strong neck well set into a well laid back shoulder but more upright in upper arm. Nicely angulated hindquarters and went well going away. Free side action, but somewhat untidy over the elbows. 3: Richardson's Fernbarrow Flora. A very pretty and feminine bitch, not always so co-operative, but I felt she was of very nice type and quality. She was also very young looking at just 13 months. Scored on her lovely flow over the topline nad her excellent well-knit feet.

PGB (25, 8 abs) 1: Bailey's Greyflax Milly Molly Mandy. Lovely young grey bitch of 24 months, presented in lovely condition. Sweet feminine head, small well folded high set ear, good neck well set into excellent shoulders, upper arm rather forward set, proper bone for size, feet could be better knuckled up. Very good firm topline, good croup and nicely angulated hindquarters. The depth of body that she should develop with age will balance her out, I feel. A bitch built on longer lines, and as is so often the case, she really is able to move out in a very ground covering action. 2: Jansson's Nixophel Crystal Amethyst. Another lovely young bitch, just 21 months old, and again a very free easy light mover. Lovely for type and outline. Sweet feminine head, well folded ears. More neck furnishings would improve the all over picture. Very good strong neck, more forward placed forequarters than the winner, lovely topline, croup and well angulated hindquarters. Excellent definition of underline. 3: MacBean's Killoeter Leyla. I was most impressed by the workman like quality and the excellent muscular condition of this bitch, for me very reminiscent of the Ardkinglas hounds. Beautiful head with high set small ears, strong neck that could be longer, good shoulder, lovely strong bone and lovely feet! Did not always co-operate with her handler and would drop her topline standing. One of the very strongest hindquarters in the whole entry.

LB (17. 5 abs) 1: Williams's Kilbourne Iduna at Inverclyde. Beautiful bitch, just over 3 years old and very well finished over all. Very nice feminine head, well folded ears and a lovely rather doleful expression. Wonderful strong and notably crested neck, well set into very good forequarters, proper bone and reasonable feet. Wonderful over the topline, excellent set of croup and love well angulated hindquarters. Presents lovelt outline both standing and on e the move. Wonderful light and at the same time powerful movement. 2: Peach's Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne. Very nice, rather more workman like bitch, presented in lovely muscular condition and more short coupled in body proportions. Nice head, expression could be more kind, but ears well set. Forward set forehand, proper bone for size, hare feet. Excellent strong topline, hindquarters of more medium angulation. Moved very well, especially in rear. 3: Finnett and Heathcote's Hyndsight A Box of Dreams. A lovely bitch, presented in excellent condition but for me not yet amture. Very nice head and expression, very good strong neck, good shoulder and upper alrm, but as yet rather narrow here. Excellent bone and feet. Could show more rise over the topline, croup at present rather steep and more medium angulation of hindquarters. Nice mover.

OB (13, 3 abs) 1, CC and BOB Bailey's Ch Greyflax A Kind of Magic. The star of the show for me! Truly lovely bitch, coming up to four years of age, so should be at her best now. Most wonderful outline, so in balance overall. Lovely head and expression, good strong and well set neck, very good forehand, proper bone, lovely definition of underline, excellent firm topline, very good set of croup and well angulated long hindquarters with good width across. Moved so freely with a long ground covering stride and with that special light action that is for me so typical of the breed. 2: Bailey's Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset, I note a half sister to the winner and the same dam/granddam. The same overall look of quality and all over balance, and again presented in most wonderful body and condition. Very nice head, somewhat seeper earset, wonderful strong neck, excellent shoulder and front, proper bone and good feet. Very good firm topline, nicely angulated hindquarters. Like her sister, very graceful on the move. 3: Fritz's Int/Ger/VD Ch Fritzrens Molly the Mop. Mature and very well rpesented visitor from Germany. Beautiful head and expression with high set well folded ears. Lovely over the neck and forehand, proper bone and feet. Excellent firm topline, good croup and nicely angulated wide hindquarters. Not as smooth in action as the winner.

GCB (3) 1: Adams Hydfron Ula for Zandahar. Beautifully presented, very feminine bitch who had placed in a previous class. Very nice in outline and well balanced, well abgulated forehand, firm topline and nicely angulated hindquarters. Scores on her very good feet. Would have placed higher in previous class, but she is very narrow in hind action today. Has her bronze GC award. 2: Shannon's Lealla Joka, very nice bitch, presented very well. Rather more long cast in body proportions, but nicely angulated fore and aft. Again won a bronze GC award. 3: Wilson's Killoeter Lurag for Hamiltonhill. A very nicely presented bitch, shorter coupled in overall body proportions. Had a nice head, rather a short neck which is well muscled, good shoulder but upright over the upper arm, good firm topline but steep in croup giving her hindquarters a tucked in look. Not so free striding in action.

Dagmar Kenis-Pordham


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